Candidate: “I cannot believe it, I think I messed it all up. No way are they going to hire me now”.
Me: “Please do not worry, I am sure it went just fine”.
I spoke with a candidate this morning who had an interview yesterday that he felt did not go so well.
It happens right? I am sure we have all experienced this very feeling. If not after an interview, maybe after an exam or something similar.
On occasions like this, I always think about what I would like to hear. So, in the same way, I’d tell myself, here are a few things to keep in mind:
*Do not be so hard on yourself - the technical interview process especially is hard enough as it is. Getting this far is already an achievement itself, others may have not even made it to this point.
*Every interview is a learning experience - whilst this one may have not gone so well in your eyes, reflect on what you can take from it. Maybe there was a question that came up which you did not know how to answer. Note this down and use it as preparation for your next interview. Granted that it may not come up, but at least now you are more prepared.
*As corny as this may sound, if you do not believe in yourself, how can anyone else? Be confident, know your skill set and the value you can bring to any company.